In the aftermath of the fires and pandemic, the importance and need for the Boys & Girls Clubs is undeniable. Every day we witness these challenges facing our youth:
Economic Strain: Families struggle to make ends meet.
Increased Social Issues: Youth face more social and emotional difficulties.
Learning Gaps & Absenteeism: Children are struggling in school.
Mental Health Concerns: More youth experience mental health issues.
We have responded by enhancing our services and collaborating with community organizations, but the need continues to outpace our resources.

Amid these challenges, we face ongoing vulnerabilities such as reduced donations, rising costs, and dwindling funds. With less than 1% of dedicated donors in a community of 235,301 supporting us, our ability to serve the youth and families that need us is threatened. Every dollar you give directly addresses these challenges and ensures a brighter future for our community’s children by:

  • Empowering Youth: We provide life-changing programs to children in need.
  • Strengthening Community: Your investment boosts our local economy.
  • Enriching lives: You help improve quality of life in our community.

Did you know? For every dollar donated, we generate $9.33 in community benefits, an impressive 833% return on investment. Our 2023 annual report enclosed details the impact of our programs, showcasing the power of your support.

Each day, we offer unique opportunities for youth, making us an unmatched resource in our region. Our commitment to positive youth development requires caring mentors, safe places, and innovative programs. For 29 years, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley has been the community’s best-kept secret. We have proven our dedication to ensuring every child has a bright future, and we are ready to share our impact more widely. We need your help to expand our reach. Your support, whether it is a new monthly donation, a volunteer commitment, or spreading the word, makes a world of difference. It allows us to keep memberships affordable ($100/year) and serve the children who are most in need. We look forward to partnering with you to expand our reach and ensure every child has access to our life-changing programs. Contact us to schedule a behind-the-scenes tour.

With a grateful heart,